Thursday, September 24, 2015

On September 12th the Young Men and Young Women of the Smithfield 18th
ward, had the opportunity to spend the day together in Salt Lake City.
It was a great opportunity for them to experience Temple Square together
and grow closer as a ward unit.

The day started with a tour of the conference center. The youth loved
hearing stories of how the building came about, seeing original gospel
art, and feeling of the power and presence of the spirit in a building
that has heard many prophets of God speak.

Next the youth toured the Beehive house, the home of President Brigham
Young. The youth loved seeing items that once belonged to President
Young and walking where a prophet of the church once lived.

This was then followed by a Temple Square scavenger hunt and dinner in
the park. It is fun to go around temple square looking for items that
you may miss otherwise. It is such a beautiful and peaceful place to be.

To finish the day, the youth climbed to the top of Ensign Peak. There we
heard the message 'Get to the Temple' as we overlooked the beautiful
Salt Lake Valley. We are grateful for strong youth who are striving to
live the covenants they have made and to be worthy to always enter the
house of the Lord.

Sister Fiona Seeley

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