Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Grandmother's Poem

I was fortunate enough to have a close relationship with my grandparents on my mother’s side, especially my grandmother.  She lived to be 104 years old passing away in 1993. It always amazed me that she was born in 1889 and what she experienced throughout her life. She had many trials in her life and had a strong testimony, that it was through these trials, that we became more like our Heavenly Father. She loved to write poetry and fortunately those poems were compiled in a book “Portraits of the Past “ by Elsie Hubbard. I’d like to share one of her poems titled “Our Trials”.

Did you ever have a real trial to bear,
And you wondered and wondered why?
Were you being punished for past mistakes
Or like Job were you being tried?

I was human, yes, and I’d make mistakes,
But I had humbly repented of them
And was earnestly trying to do God’s will.
Then why this affliction?

And then I thought of a neighbor down the street,
A good man, yet he had troubles too- -
And if anything, they were far worse than mine.
I’d not change with him, that I knew.

As I sat in deep meditation I found
Many much worse off than I.
Should I not be counting my blessings
Instead of questioning, “Why”?

And then- - I remembered our Savior,
Didn’t he bear a cross for me?
And staggered under that heavy load
Up the hill of Calvary.

In anguish I cried, “Oh Jesus our Blessed Redeemer,
Please help me to be more like thee”.
You prayed, “Thy will, not mine be done,
As you knelt in Gethsemane.”

And later,  nailed there on the cross,
Thy body bleeding and sore,
You suffered as no other could suffer
For the sins of the world you bore.
You were taken down and in a borrowed sepulcher
You were laid away.
But on the third day, you arose again- -
Triumphant, you broke the bands of death
That we too might live again.

Oh, if we could but be more submissive
To the trials we are called to pass through,
And say, “Thy will, not mine, be done,”
Although we may hurt through and through

For in God’s wonderful plan of salvation
In some way all must be tested and tried
To prove our worth, here on this earth,
As did Jesus, the Crucified.

As my grandmother, I too have a strong testimony of the eventual blessings of trials. We may very well recognize those blessings here on earth, but more than likely, in the life here after. May we bear them well and remember that Christ bore all and is the Savior of the world.

-Brother David Petersen, Smithfield Utah South Stake High Councilor

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