Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Missionary Letter: Elder Riley Archibald

This post is a portion of an email sent home from Elder Riley Archibald who is serving in a small town in Mexico. I thought it contained a great message for all of us.

Elder Archibald said:

We are working very hard to try to bring the less active and non active people to church. The town has 211 members, but only about 20 are active. We brought 6 less active/inactive members back to church on Sunday. I was super happy for that. One of these people is now one of my favorite people. His name is Miguel and he is about 80 years old. We went to visit another person at almost the farthest point that we go outside of town. We found Miguel sitting on a rock waiting for the man to pass with his tortillas for the day. He said that he was a Church member, but he hadn’t been to church in 10 years.  He would like to go to church but the tricycle taxis don’t go that far from the town center.  We told him that we would be by at 8:30 Sunday morning to pick him up in the car of a member. When we passed by, Miguel was all ready to go, just like he had never missed a day of church.

Through Miguel I learned that there really are lost sheep that are our brothers and sisters that really can’t get to our Heavenly Father, not because they don’t want to, but because they don’t know how. I challenge all of you to invite someone to an activity of whatever kind or just to make a new friend with someone at work.  Help them find the Lord. The Lord has time for everyone and I know that if we work hard, God will be there to help us.

With tons of love,

Elder Archibald

- Brother Andy Archibald, Stake High Councilor

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