Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Law of the Harvest

We have planted, watered, weeded and waited for this time of year in this season of harvest.  But do we always have to wait for October?  The Law of the Harvest is simply that in life, you don’t get something for nothing.  The scriptures tell us the Law of the Harvest is that as ye sow, so shall ye reap.  “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal 6:7).  Most of us think of the concept of reaping what we sow in the negative sense.  We think of paying the consequences for foolish choices, but the Law of the Harvest does not have to be negative.  This law can also be positive and stand as a promise of blessing for sowing that which is good.  We can be continually planting and fertilizing our education for our career, as well as family, neighbor, work and other relationships.  We can act as the Lords hands by performing service and there are many other areas in which we can be cultivating our gardens.

The great blessing is that we can plant year round and the yield has no limits.  Each new day can be filled with planting, watering and weeding and as we do so, our labors will continue to bring forth a more abundant harvest each year.  The Lord has promised to provide us with abundance so long as we will live this law in righteousness and labor for that blessing.

Let us draw close to the soil and have our own experience in planting those things that will enrich our lives.  Then we will be able to fully understand this great principle of the Law of the Harvest.

-Brother Kelly Luthi, Smithfield Utah South Stake High Councilor

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