Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Power of Service

In the late 1970's a wise Bishop and Elders Quorum President in Davis County had an idea that ultimately changed the fate of generations for a particular inactive family in their ward. There was a needy, elderly couple also in the ward that lived in a home literally falling down around them. After one particular visit by the home teachers where birds had found their way into the house and were flying across the living room, the decision was made to work as a ward and build this family a new home.
To lead the project, the Bishop reached out to an inactive young building contractor that lived in the ward along with his young family. He was asked to lead the group of volunteers in building a new home on an adjacent piece of property for this family in need. After countless hours working long into the night with other members of the ward and quorum, this good man eventually had his heart softened as he began to recognize something of the Saviors example by serving others. Not long after the completion of the new home, the contractor took his wife and small boys and were sealed as an eternal family in the Ogden, UT temple.
I was one of those boys that went to the temple, my dad was the contractor spoken about. When I first saw the above video, Lift, my thoughts went to my dad and the example he set for me in serving others.
Despite the noise and confusion the world seems to constantly put in our face and news stream, serving others with love will always soften our hearts and bring peace to our souls. The Savior did it for us, and like Him, we can do it for others. Matthew 25:40 ...Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
-Mason Niederhauser, Elders Quorum President in the 6th Ward

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