Friday, November 13, 2015

Get Involved in Hastening the Work of The Lord

I remember that it was not that long ago that the Church really started to embrace technology. We have a great opportunity through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other means to spread the Word of God to the whole world. It’s amazing to see what we have and how we can use technology to help hasten the work of the Lord. 

As some of you may know I have a son serving a mission in the Australia Sydney South Mission. He has been out for 3 months now and it is so wonderful to see how he is growing. A few months before he left I was thinking to myself, “What can I do to be more involved with the experience of his mission?” Of course as a parent as soon as you find out where your son or daughter is going to serve you start to learn all about the area, and as I did I found some missionary blogs of missionaries in his mission. As I read their blogs and really started to ponder how I could be more involved, a blog was a great answer. 

We have some inactive and non-members in our family and I thought, “Wow, what a great way to share Dalton’s mission experience with them and others.” So from day 1 we have posted a weekly blog of his emails that we receive. We get his emails Sunday evening and we ponder his letter that night and the next day, and then Monday night for our family home evening we post his letter. At first I thought we would get the typical “not much going on, knocking doors stuff like that”, but I have been amazed at the letters that we receive. They are so in depth of his feelings and how the Lord is helping him grow I can just feel the spirit flow from his letters. It makes me want to be a better person. 

He challenges us each week to do something different like, go to the temple, pray, read the scriptures, have a good attitude and accept what happens. So as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we have a great opportunity to flood the Earth with good, uplifting messages and thoughts through the technology that we have at our finger tips. It will make a difference. Just think, if each of us relates a good uplifting post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, people will read it, and it just may open that door to their heart to let a little bit of the Spirit in. That was my hope with Dalton’s blog that it may touch a family member or others, that they may feel the spirit and that it may lead to something more. 

My challenge to us as a stake is, when we think we have some idle time, let’s use technology to hasten the work of the Lord, post an uplifting story, do family history on line, we can even do indexing on our phones while we wait in a line at the store or the drive thru. This is my hope and prayer, that we will do all we can to further the work of the Lord.

-Brother Ryan Stott, High Councilor

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