Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Answered Prayer and Service

About ten months ago I decided to start a lawn mowing business. I searched KSL for many weeks to finally find the mower that I wanted. I purchased the mower and began to mow. About 20 minutes into my first mow, the mower completely blew up, and was unfixable. I didn’t know how I was going to save enough to buy another mower.
I talked to my parents for a good amount of time, they asked me not to get back on KSL. After many hours of not knowing what to do, I decided to pray. About 20 minutes after praying, I had the impression to get back on KSL. The very first add I decided to click on was the mower I had been longing for all year. It was way out of my price range, but I decided to call anyways. The man answered the phone and I told him my situation, on how I lost my mower and I was trying to start a business. He then asked me if I was religious. I responded yes and told him I was a priesthood holder in the LDS church.
He told me to come to his house and look at his mower and we could work out a deal.
I arrive at his house and realized I was working with a young guy. The guy told me that he and his brothers had used this mower to pay for their missions and that they had decided to give me the mower for free, as long as I agreed to “pay it forward” and pay my tithing. His brother had recently been paralyzed in a wakeboarding accident, and they were very thankful for all the people who had helped them and their family, so they wanted to do something to pay it forward. He couldn’t use the mower and decided to let me have it.
I could not believe that they wanted to do this for me. They did not know me but they were willing to trust that I would do as they asked.
I am not going to let them down, so to this day, I am still trying to donate hours of my time to service. I am also a full tithe payer. I am thankful to this guy and his family for showing me there are kind and Christ-like people in this world and it truly makes me want to follow their example.
-A Member of The Smithfield 6th Ward Young Men

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