Thursday, December 17, 2015

Friends Make All the Difference

I love this time of year, as it provides more opportunities to be together with my family.

The other night we were having dinner with my son and his new wife. He was sharing stories about high school years and how he got to know one of his very close friends. They got to know each other in the back of math class where neither of them paid attention (not what a Dad wants to hear) but they found that they had similar interests and a friendship formed.

They both took their own paths to get through high school but, they did share other classes. Then after graduating from school they even worked at the same company for a time. Then it was time to really consider a mission; my son was able to make the commitment and go but, his friend was not sure.

Two years came and went. My son had a great mission experience then came home and began again working with this great friend. It made coming home so much easier to have him there. They began to do things together, as they did his friend's attitude changed about going on a mission. He could see the benefit and felt the Lord's call and he knew it was what he was to do. His time to serve had now come. It was now my son's turn to have a hard time seeing his friend leave.

His friend is now serving the Lord, he is older and wiser. We read his letters every week, pray for him each day, and it has become very obvious that he is a powerful and obedient missionary. While math will likely not be either of their focuses in later life, it appears that it was more than a coincidence that they got together there.

The Lord has called all young men to serve a mission, but not all need to go at 18. Sometimes the right time is a little later. I thank the Lord for the opportunity that I have had to watch the change in these two boys' lives and testify that missionary service can make all the difference.

-Karl Reid, Sunday School President, Smithfield 6th Ward

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