Monday, April 18, 2016

Elder Stott in Australia, Thoughts on Conference

I would like to take the opportunity to share part of a letter that my son Dalton sent home from the Sydney South Australian mission. In Australia they watch conference a week later than we do so last week’s letter reflected Elder Stott’s thoughts on conference. --Brother Ryan Stott, High Council

"Conference is SO AMAZING as a missionary.  Every talk just seems to bring the spirit so strong and encourage you to keep going.  My favorite part about conference is that it is a "lift me up", not "bring me down." It helps us and motivates us to keep going.  It warns us of things that we need to be careful of and protect ourselves and our families against and it helps us in cleaning up things that we need to clean up.  But the purpose of conference is not to tear us down.  No matter where you are in life you are doing GREAT!!!  And I encourage you all to keep going.  Life is hard and it is meant to be hard.  One of my favorite quotes from Elder Holland this isn't exact but close, "why should it be easy for us when it was never easy for the best person to ever walk the face of this earth?"  I love this quote because it is talking about our Savior Jesus Christ.  It is so true!  When we look back on our Savior's life, He went through so much.  So much pain, so much rejection, so much let down.  His life was so hard, but He was able to do it.  Our lives will never come close to what our Master went through while He was here.  But we can follow His example.  One of my most favorite hymns is "Come Follow Me" He was that example to us, a perfect example and we have all the tools and things we need to follow Him.

"We can ALL do it and just imagine the reward at the end.  It will be better then a big bowl of ice cream with all the toppings or for me a big bowl of popcorn:) WE can do it and I encourage all of us to keep going.”

Monday, April 11, 2016

Smithfield South Stake Family Discovery Day

Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 1-4pm at the Stake Center

This is YOUR Day!
Has finding family in your tree got you stumped?
Maybe you're new to family history, or you're not sure what to do next. Well, that’s just what Family Discovery Day is for!  Join us on Saturday, April 23rd from 1-4pm at the stake center.  This is YOUR day to learn, ask questions and be inspired!  This is the day to begin your journey back in time to find and discover your ancestors.  They are a part of you and you are a part of them.
Please join us for a wonderful, uplifting and edifying day . . . 

IT'S YOUR DAY!  We can't wait to see you!

Some additional details:
Finding Names When Your Tree Is Full.  For those with several generations already in the tree, finding new family names can be a challenge. You've only just begun! Find the missing fruit in your family tree by exploring descendant lines. —Kevin & Christine Branch.

Family History for Beginners. Feel a special connection with your family as you start to look beyond the names, dates and places and discover the real people in your family tree. Make it about hearts first, then the charts. —Dennis Watkins

Fixing Duplicates and Relationships. Learn the basics of merging duplicate records and also how to edit family relationships when records are linked incorrectly. —Tim Patty

Navigating the Family Tree. An introduction to Learn to explore your family lines using alternate views; update information for ancestors; add new names; evaluate hints; add sources; and other helpful tasks. —Tyler Dawes and Madison Sickler

Finding Records with FamilySearch Partners. Introduction to Ancestry, FindMyPast, and MyHeritage. These powerful tools, available to LDS members, provide additional options for finding your ancestors. —Alisa Davenport

Hands-on Demos:
  • Preserving Memories. Upload photos, stories and documents and work with the new Memories Gallery.
  • Apps Gallery. Useful tools that help you find, connect, organize and explore your family.
  • Helpful Hints. Tips and tricks on a variety of topics, and valuable resources that are available.
Indexing Lab. Current indexers as well as those wanting to learn are encouraged to participate in this indexing event. Training will be provided for beginners. Laptops are needed.

Workshop and Help Lab. Bring your electronics along and work on your own family tree. This is a fun way to dedicate some time to family history and work alongside family and friends.  Mix and match class time with the lab, or just spend time in the lab. Personalized assistance is available as needed.

Children's Activities. Careful planning and preparation has gone into selecting structured activities for children under twelve. Family history is for the entire family and this is an opportunity to introduce children to the doctrine and images of family history with age-appropriate activities.

Smithfield South Stake
Family Discovery Day
Saturday, April 23rd
1:00 - 4:00pm
Discover the promised blessings that await all who make temple and family history work a part of their lives . . . 
IT'S YOUR DAY!  Come join us!

Refreshments provided!

Be sure to bring your laptop or mobile device.

For questions, contact a member of the Family Discovery Day committee:
Suzanne Boring, Alisa Davenport, Tyler Dawes, Sheryln Doyle, Sandi Hayden, Brenda Low, Steve Mackley, Bryant McKay, Madison Sickler, Cheryl Swenson, Diane Demars, Ron Demars, Ryan Stott

Smithfield South Stake Family Discovery Day · 451 South 250 East · Smithfield, UT 84335 · USA